As we progress with the renovation, peeling back layers and peeking behind things, amazing discoveries are happening! If you walk by, you will see that the prismatic glass on the facade is now exposed and it is beautiful. Take a moment, look, and take it all in.

The prismatic glass was installed as part of the last major renovation after a major fire in the early 30’s, as some of the framing members onto which they’re set have burn marks that look as though they were existing when the glass was installed.

We believe the glass frames are pewter, structurally sound and quite flexible; which is probably why we discovered that there is no damage to the glass.

You will see in these pictures that the glass is painted on the inside. The paint will be removed to let the light in.

What do you think these two gentlemen were thinking about as they sat outside the Johnson House, next door to Johnson Hall? It is fun to take this historic journey uncovering the past of Johnson Hall to bring us into the future.

Thanks for joining us on this adventure.